A Crazy Challenge Resolution

Hello Random Readers!

So for those of you who know me, you know that I’m not much of an exercise buff.
Hell, I just can’t stick to any exercise! I may try for a few weeks (usually two or three tops), and then… either it no longer calls to me, I just see it as pain or quite simply, I start to procrastinate in a rapidly increasing way.


So this year, when a colleague of mine asked me what my New Years Resolution was going to be, I immediately thought about trying to do more exercise. After all, it’s suppose to be really good for you and if I had a crazy toned body, it wouldn’t be too bad of a side effect, haha XD


Had some fun with Photoshop XD

Now two questions remained however!
“How would I keep such a resolution? and “What would my new exercise be?”

Suddenly, a challenge I failed miserably simply because of no alarm clocks reminding me to do it every day appeared in my mind like one of those lightbulbs in cartoons!


I would start the year with the challenge I failed; this time setting an alarm on my cell phone at a perfect chosen time, ready to go off every day. What was this challenge you may ask? It’s called: “The Plank challenge” Starting at a nice easy time of 20 seconds in plank position, then by the 30th day, doing 300 seconds of plank (or 5 minutes for those not calculating).


But of course, I would not stop there! Every month I would start the challenge over and then add a challenge! That way, by the end of the year, I would have a crazy hard workout to complete! Every month starting off at the easiest and getting progressively harder. By going on a site that offers multiple 30 day challenges, I found just the material I needed to get started!


Now I can already hear you asking: “Yeah. Sure! Now how are you going to keep this up without giving up when it starts to be too hard or hurt too much?

The answer is simple! I had to find something I valued enough to use as a reward system! I believe that having always loved gaming, I now need such systems to encourage me to keep going! If the reward system in a game is well done, I tend to play a lot longer after all! And I must say, that with my plans in the next few weeks, the inspiration for the rewards system was very easy to figure out! You see, on the 4th of January (we are now the 1st), I am going to Cuba with Christopher! It will be his first trip and my third in Cuba! When we return home on the 11th, I will just have time to clean my clothes and get ready, as the very next morning, I am going to Mexico with Julie!


If you haven’t guessed so far, my reward system will be based on travel! Every day that I do the workout, I get 3$ to add to my trip fund for next year! If I were to do every single day to the letter, I would have a grand total of approximately 1100$!!! However, if I don’t do an exercise, I lose 3$ to the epic trip fund! This way, I won’t tell myself: “Meh! It’s just 3$ if I miss a day, no big deal!” Nope! Missing a day is basically the same as eliminating the hard work done a previous day! So no missing days! You can take a break when the day is a “Break Day” (the challenges include such days).


I am hoping to start streaming when my gaming pc is finally done getting repaired. If all goes well, id like the stream this challenge as well through the same site.
I will also comment on this post to keep you guys up to date on how it’s going 😉

I invite any of you who are up for a challenge and who believe they too may need a bit more exercise in their lives, to try and follow this Crazy Challenge with me!

Here are the basic guide lines to the challenge:

January: Plank Challenge

February: Plank + Easy Squats Challenge

March: Plank + Easy Squats + Easy Pushups Challenge

April: Plank + Easy Squats + Easy Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4

May: Plank + Easy Squats + Easy Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge Challenge

June: Plank + Easy Squats + Easy Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits Challenge
30 day split challenge

July: Plank + Hard Squats + Easy Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits Challenge

August: Plank + Hard Squats + Hard PushupsAbs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits Challenge

September: Plank + Hard Squats + Hard Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits +Little Black Dress Challenge 1 choice of 3

October: Plank + Hard Squats + Hard Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits +LBD Challenge 1 choice of 3 + Beach Body Challenge 1 choice of 2

November: Plank + Hard Squats + Hard Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits +LBD Challenge 2 choice of 3 + Beach Body Challenge 1 choice of 2

December: Plank + Extreme Squats + Hard Pushups + Abs Challenge 2 choices of 4 + Lunge + Splits +LBD Challenge 2 choice of 3 + Beach Body Challenge 1 choice of 2

You can choose to do all your exercises at once or throughout the day (the importance is that you do them all).
You also don’t have to do all of one exercise at once.
You can separate it into reps!

Here are two examples for the 21st of March (150 second plank, 125 Squats, 15 pushups)
Example 1 –>  (50 second plank, 42 squats, 5 pushups = 1 rep) x 3
Example 2 –> (1.5 minute plank, 75 squats, 10 pushups) then (1 minute plank, 50 squats, 5 pushups)

I also recommend that if going back to zero is too easy, you chose a place to start and keep it at that level until the day where it goes up in challenge.
(For example: In February I didn’t want to start back my plank at 20 seconds. so I started back at 60 seconds until day 12 where it started going up to 90 seconds…)

gg64784015Your choice! There are many ways of achieving the same results!
At the very end, anyone who did this with me and who wants to join up for a trip together somewhere in the south at an all inclusive resort is invited!
Should be a blast!

Good luck Random Readers!
Happy New Year!

